CALLING ALL BELIEBERS: Did Justin Change Your Life?

CALLING ALL BELIEBERS: Did Justin Change Your Life?

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Hey, Beliebers. We have the opportunity of a lifetime for you. If you’ve ever met Justin Bieber, we want to know YOUR story about it. Your photo with Justin AND your words could be in a future issue of BOP! Here’s the deal. If you’ve met Justin before (at a meet and greet, randomly on the street or anywhere!) and you had an amazing moment with him, tell us about it. Email us  your photos with Justin and your story at Make the subject line: HOW MEETING JUSTIN CHANGED MY LIFE. If we pick your story, we’ll email you back and our reporters will interview you ALL about the experience. What are you waiting for? If you’ve met Justin, we can’t wait to hear your story! Don’t forget to tell us all the emotional details about your un-belieb-able moment in your email. We can’t wait to hear from you!